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Reading Kingdom is a monumental work that makes available to educators, therapists and families a simple, straightforward and time-tested approach.
Reading Kingdom is the only program I recommend because it is fun for kids, easy to use, well grounded in research and IT WORKS! There is no better program.
Reading Kingdom provides the most complete method for teaching reading and writing that I have seen in the eleven years that I have been teaching. Thank you for this outstanding program.
Based on a comprehensive "Science of Reading."
The program adapts to every child and provides individualized instruction.
Kids can use the program on their own
It's fun so children think they're playing a game and want to use it.
It works as a standalone curriculum or a supplement.
Reading Kingdom is a reading program that teaches students to read and write with comprehension at a 3rd grade level (Lexile 750). The program teaches students the key reading and writing skills required to become successful readers based on a comprehensive science of reading. These skills include: